
physion logo

I am the lead developer of physion: an integratedi software for the acquisition, the pre-processing, the standardisation, the analysis and the sharing of neurophysiological data in the context of visual processing in behaving mice.

See the documentation at:


I am a contributor to fairgraph a high-level python API for the Ebrains knowledge graph: a metadata management system for neuroscientific data.

See the documentation at:

Data Science package suite

datavyz logo

I combined the tools I use in my data science workflow in the following suite of python packages: (1) analyz. A package for data analysis: a high-level layer on top of numpy and scipy. (2) datavyz. A package for data visualization: a high-level layer on top of matplotlib. (3) finalyz. A package for results dissemination. It allows to build reports, articles and presentations from simple markdown scripts. It is mostly a high-level layer on top of LaTeX.