2020-now. Post-doctoral fellow @ Institut du Cerveau (ICM)
Neurophysiology department. Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris (France).
Supervisors: Dr N. Rebola & Dr A. Bacci
Contextual modulation of cortical computation through interneuronal networks in the mouse visual system
2019-2020. Post-doctoral fellow @ Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Neuroinformatics group. Gif sur Yvette (France)
Supervisor: Dr. Andrew Davison
Model sharing and data management in computational neuroscience through the Ebrains platform
2016-2019. Post-doctoral fellow. Italian Institute of Technology
Neural Coding laboratory. Rovereto & Genova (Italy)
Supervisors: Dr. Tommaso Fellin and Dr. Stefano Panzeri
Modeling and analysis Network States during Wakefulness in Sensory Cortices
2012-2016. Graduate student. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Computational Neuroscience laboratory. Gif sur Yvette (France).
Supervisors: Dr. Alain Destexhe and Dr. Gilles Ouanounou
Biophysical and Circuit Properties underlying Population Dynamics in Neocortex
2016: Ph.D. Neuroscience. Sorbonne Université (Paris, France)
Speciality: Computational Neuroscience, Biophysics (thesis)
2012: M.Sc. Cognitive Science. EHESS Paris, ENS Paris, Université Paris V
Specialty: Mathematical and Physical modeling
2011: M.Sc. Complex Systems Physics. Sorbonne Universités (Paris, France)
Specialty: Modelling, Statistics and Algorithm in Out-of-Equilibrium Systems
2010: Master 1 at Physics department of Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich
2009: B.Sc. Physics. Université Paris-Sud (Orsay, France).
Specialty: Fundamental Physics
2006-2008: Classes préparatoires PCSI-PC*, Lycée Georges Clémenceau, Nantes
Fellowships, Awards and Qualifications
2020: Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship from the European Commission (190k)
2019: Postdoctoral fellowship Aide au Retour en France from the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (200k)
2019: Qualification for the position of “Maître de Conférence” in Neuroscience
2015: Fellowship Espoirs de la Recherche from the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale
2012: PhD fellowship from the Initiative d’Excellence Paris-Saclay (120k)
2006: Erasmus scholarship from the European Community
Invited talks
5th annual Human Brain Project summit. Glasgow 2017.
Title: “Modelling the Diversity of Waking States in Neocortex”.
Sleep, Slow Wave and Aging. Paris 2018
Title: “Network States in Sensory Cortices: Characterisation, Modelling and Function”
Conference Abstracts
- COSYNE 2018 Denver (Usa). “The Spectrum of Asynchronous Dynamics in Spiking Networks: A Theory for the Diversity of Non-Rhythmic Waking States in Neocortex”. Y. Zerlaut, S. Zucca, Panzeri S. & T. Fellin.
- NCCD 2017 Cap Breton (Fr) “From Sparse to Balanced Activity: Asynchronous Dynamics in Spiking Networks”. Y. Zerlaut, S. Zucca, S. Panzeri & T. Fellin.
- CNS 2016 Prague (Cz) “Firing rate response of neocortical neurons in the uctuation-driven regime”. Y. Zerlaut, G. Ouanounou, B. Telenczuk, C. Deleuze, T. Bal and A. Destexhe
- CNS 2015 Paris (Fr) “Estimating the transfer function of cortical neurons: from simple models to in vitro experiments”. Y. Zerlaut*, G. Ouanounou, C. Deleuze, T. Bal and A. Destexhe
- Applied Mathematics: Dynamical systems. Stochastic processes. Differential equations. Statistics.
- Machine Learning: Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow
- Theoretical Neuroscience: Numerical simulations of single cell and network dynamics. Mean field models of population activity. Models of cellular and synaptic integration. Cable theory. Models of ionic channel dynamics.
- Closed-loop systems: Dynamic-clamp, real-time analysis of electrophysiological signals for closed-loop protocols (based on RTXI)
- Programming: python (numpy, scipy, …), C++, git, Linux, LaTeX, emacs
- Languages: French (Mothertongue), English (Fluent), Italian (Fluent) and German (Fluent)
Scientific activities
I am a reviewer for: Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, PLoS Computational Biology, Neural Computation and the Journal of Computational Neuroscience